The Ultimate Guide to Elder Scrolls Online's Undaunted Celebration Event 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Elder Scrolls Online's Undaunted Celebration Event 2023

The Elder Scrolls Online is gearing up for an exciting event dedicated to the Undaunted and their daring exploits in dungeons across Tamriel. The Undaunted Celebration Event 2023 promises to be a treasure trove of rewards, exclusive items, and thrilling challenges. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into all the essential aspects of the event, offering insights on how to obtain rewards and tickets, what's inside the event boxes, and the incredible goodies awaiting players in the event stores.

The Introductory Quest:

To kick off the Undaunted Celebration, players can embark on the Introductory Quest. The quest can be acquired for free from the Crown Store and will lead players to one of the Undaunted Enclaves. There, they'll meet Serileth and engage in a conversation to begin their journey. Though the quest primarily grants ESO Gold, it serves as an excellent starting point for the event.

Event Rewards: Boxes & Tickets:

During the Undaunted Celebration, players can earn Glorious Boxes and Event Tickets through various activities. To obtain the coveted Glorious Box and two Event Tickets, players must vanquish the final boss of any dungeon in any mode. An important change this year is that if players have already reached the maximum number of tickets, they won't lose out on additional ones. Instead, they can still collect tickets from subsequent dungeon final bosses.

Box Contents:

The Glorious Boxes are packed with a range of exciting rewards. Players may find valuable treasures, motif pages, and Opal Weapon Style Pages from both previous years and the current one. These boxes hold the potential for highly sought-after items that enhance players' collections and provide a rewarding gameplay experience.

How to Get Opal Shoulder Style Pages:

The focus of this year's event centers around the Sentinel of Rkugamz style. To acquire the Opal Shoulder Style Page, players must successfully complete a dungeon on Veteran Hard Mode. The Opal Shoulder Style Pages for various sets can be found in different dungeons across Tamriel, each presenting a unique challenge.

Impresario - The Event Store:

The Impresario is a central figure in the Undaunted Celebration Event. Players can find the Impresario at several locations, including Vulkhel Guard, Daggerfall, or Davon's Watch. This NPC offers a selection of enticing items, including Passion Dancer Blossom Pets, Passion Dancer Garment Costumes, and various Style Pages like Opal Rkugamz Sentinel weapons and armor.

Indrik Vendor - Aspiring Mounts and Pets:

For those keen on acquiring Indrik Mounts and special pets, the Indrik Vendor is the go-to place. Located near Belkarth in Craglorn, the vendor sells Nascent Indrik Mount feathers, berries for transforming mounts into Mossheart and Onyx Indriks, and two Indrik pets - Ebon-Glow Indrik and Sapling Indrik.

Impresario's Assistant - Additional Goodies:

Complementing the Impresario's offerings, the Impresario's Assistant provides players with an array of exciting items. These include Pet Instructions, Hidden Shoulders for clothing styles, and fragments for the coveted Deadlands Firewalker Personality.

The Undaunted Celebration Event 2023 in The Elder Scrolls Online promises an unforgettable experience for adventurers. With abundant rewards, thrilling challenges, and exclusive items up for grabs, players have much to look forward to. Whether it's obtaining Opal Shoulder Style Pages, collecting Event Tickets, or exploring the treasures found within Glorious Boxes, this guide has provided an in-depth overview to ensure players make the most of this epic celebration. So sharpen your blades, gather your allies, and embark on this thrilling journey in the world of Tamriel!


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