ESO: How To Unlock Arcanist Class?

Elder Scrolls Online will introduce a new class in this year, the powerful and mysterious Arcanist class. It derived directly its abilities and mechanics from Hermaeus Mora’s realm of Oblivion. The Arcanist will be the seventh class in ESO, the first new class added since the Necromancer in 2019's Elsweyr Chapter.

ESO:  How To Unlock Arcanist Class?

Players will definitely feel the charm of magical superpowers when using this class. At the same time, players can also unlock more new classes, new characters and new areas of exploration.

The new classes not only have new character types but also brand new game mechanics. Among them, Crux is a combat mechanism that can activate this Arcanist class. The more Crux you have, the more powerful your character skills become. This has the advantage that players can develop their own gameplay based on their game strategy.

Along with this combat mechanism, it derives three unique skills:

Herald of the Tome: Manipulate arcane energies to bombard your foes with damaging blasts, beams, and more. This will be the main offensive skill line for the Arcanist and you'll probably be using it a lot if you're playing as a DPS role.

Curative Runeforms: Make use of healing runes to keep yourself and your group healthy and shield your allies from damage. This skill line is primarily focused on support and healing, so it will probably see the most use by healers and tanks.

Apocryphal Soldier: This skill line helps you to play defensively and protect your allies, and also allows you to dominate your foes' attentions and buff yourself and your group's defensive capabilities. It is likely that this skill will contain a taunt ability and be used mostly by tanks.

These skills will be applicable to different types of players, whether offensive, to support, and defense, or destructive, restorative, or defensive magic.

This class will apply to players of all roles, even including DPS, support, and tank. Like many previous skills, the skills of these class are also a mixture of active, passive, and ultimate abilities.

So, how can players get this new class? It will release arcanist class on PC with the new expansion Necrom on June 5th. Console players will be able to see the new expansion on June 20th.

Players need to first acquire a Necrom expansion pack with ESO Gold to unlock Arcanist class. You can also get other new classes in the in-game Crown Store after you get the expansion pack. You can find this class under “Upgrades” then “Class”.

After your upgrade is complete, you can create new Arcanist class characters.


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