Elder Scrolls Online: A Beginner's Guide to Dungeon Crawling

Elder Scrolls Online: A Beginner's Guide to Dungeon Crawling

Are you eager to embark on thrilling dungeon adventures in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) but feeling a bit overwhelmed? Look no further! This guide will demystify the basics of dungeon crawling in ESO, making your journey into these epic four-player adventures smoother and more enjoyable.

What Are Dungeons in ESO?

Dungeons in ESO are epic four-player adventures that require teamwork and coordination. Unlike public instanced areas, dungeons are private instances where you'll only encounter players from your group. While a balanced team typically consists of two damage dealers, a healer, and a tank, ESO offers flexibility, allowing for different team setups or even solo dungeon runs if you're feeling adventurous.

Dungeon Difficulty Levels

Dungeon difficulty in ESO can vary. Normal dungeons are an excellent starting point and become available as you level up. They unlock progressively, introducing tougher enemies as you go along. Some base game dungeons offer both normal and veteran versions, with the latter being more challenging. Veteran mode becomes accessible at level 50 and significantly increases the difficulty for your entire group.

Understanding Dungeon Difficulty:

Normal Base Game Dungeons: These are your starting point, suitable for players around level 10. As you level up, more dungeons unlock, each progressively harder. Some base game dungeons have mechanics that are manageable on normal but deadly on veteran difficulty.

Normal DLC Dungeons: Falling between part 2 normal dungeons and base game veteran dungeons in terms of difficulty, these dungeons are mechanic-heavy. Success often depends on understanding and executing mechanics correctly.

Veteran Dungeons: The next step up, veteran dungeons demand better coordination and skill. To tackle base game veteran dungeons, aim to be at or above CP 160, with appropriate gear, skills, and a strong grasp of your character's abilities.

Hard Mode: Activateable on veteran difficulty, hard mode offers the ultimate challenge. It introduces new mechanics and tougher enemies, making boss fights even more demanding. To take on hard mode dungeons, ensure a fully optimized build, thorough knowledge of your character, and a capable team.

How to Access Dungeons:

Accessing dungeons in ESO is straightforward. You can walk to the dungeon entrance, teleport directly to it using your map, or teleport to a group member who is already inside. Additionally, the Activity Finder provides an efficient way to find groups for dungeon runs.

The Activity Finder Explained:

The Activity Finder is a valuable tool for finding dungeon groups. It allows you to select specific dungeons or queue for multiple dungeons of varying difficulties simultaneously. You can also opt for the Random Dungeon, which provides extra rewards like XP, transmutation crystals, and ESO Gold. Note that the bonus reward is limited to once per character per day for random dungeons.

Dungeon Rewards:

Dungeon crawling in ESO offers numerous rewards, including skill points, unique gear sets, and monster sets. Completing a dungeon quest grants a skill point, and defeating the last boss yields one weapon or jewelry set piece and one body piece from earlier bosses. Monster sets, which consist of head and shoulder pieces, are obtainable from veteran dungeon final bosses and NPC vendors at the Undaunted Enclave.

Dungeon Etiquette:

While dungeon etiquette can vary depending on the group and content, here are some guidelines to ensure a smooth dungeon experience:

Queue for the correct role: Pick the role that matches your character's abilities and stick to it.

Communicate: Share information about quests, mechanics, and issues with your group.

Avoid speed running without team consensus: Ensure everyone is on board before rushing through a dungeon.

Let the tank lead: In boss encounters, let the tank initiate combat.

Watch your positioning: Avoid standing behind the tank and steer clear of AOE damage zones.

Learn boss mechanics: Be vigilant for boss mechanics like channeled attacks that can be interrupted.

Play content you're capable of: Progress through difficulty tiers as you gain experience and gear.

Don't disband the group at the end: Allow players to complete quests and share gear before leaving.

Dungeon crawling in Elder Scrolls Online is an exciting adventure that offers valuable rewards and challenges. By understanding the basics, respecting dungeon etiquette, and choosing the right difficulty level, you can make the most of your dungeon runs and enjoy this thrilling aspect of ESO to the fullest. Remember, the ESO community is generally friendly and passionate, so don't hesitate to join in on the adventure!


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