A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Smolder's Explosive Gameplay in Runeterra

A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Smolder's Explosive Gameplay in Runeterra

In the realm of Runeterra, where magic and chaos intertwine, a new force has emerged – Smolder, the Dragon of Explosive Potential. This fiery creature has taken the Summoner's Rift by storm, and players are eager to unleash its explosive power. If you're ready to master Smolder's unique playstyle, then this guide is for you.

Smolder's Explosive Arsenal

Smolder's arsenal is as explosive as its name suggests. Its passive ability, Flamethrower Breath, unleashes a torrent of fire in a cone, dealing damage and slowing enemies. This ability is key to Smolder's ability to control the battlefield and zone out opponents.

Smolder's Q ability, Spewing Embers, fires a projectile of molten fire that explodes upon impact, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. This ability is great for disrupting enemy formations and setting up combos.

Smolder's W ability, Volcanic Breath, creates a fiery pool on the ground that deals damage over time and marks enemies. When an enemy marked by Volcanic Breath is hit by Smolder's E ability, Blaze Breath, the pool explodes, dealing bonus damage. This ability is great for chunking down enemies and setting up kills.

Smolder's ultimate ability, Inferno Breath, unleashes a massive fiery blast that deals damage in a wide area and knocks up enemies. This ability is great for initiating teamfights and catching enemies off guard.

Mastering Smolder's Explosive Style

To maximize Smolder's potential, it's important to understand its unique playstyle. Smolder is a champion that thrives on positioning and aggression. Use Flamethrower Breath to control the battlefield and zone out opponents. Spewing Embers is great for disrupting enemy formations and setting up combos. Volcanic Breath can be used to poke enemies from a distance or to set up your Blaze Breath. And Inferno Breath is your best bet for initiating teamfights and catching enemies off guard.

Teamfight Strategies

In teamfights, Smolder can be a force to be reckoned with. Use Flamethrower Breath to control the battlefield and zone out the enemy team. Spewing Embers is great for stunning and disrupting the enemy team. Volcanic Breath can be used to poke the enemy team from a distance or to set up your ultimate. And Inferno Breath is the ultimate teamfight ability, dealing massive damage and knocking up the enemy team.

Item Builds

There are a few different item builds that you can use with Smolder, but some of the most effective include:

Liandry's Anguish: This item provides AP, mana, and health, as well as a passive that deals damage over time to enemies.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter: This item provides AP, HP, and a passive that slows enemies.

Void Staff: This item provides AP and magic penetration, which is great for dealing damage to enemies with high magic resistance.

Deathcap: This item provides AP, giving you even more damage output.

Rabadon's Deathcap: This item provides AP, giving you even more damage output.

With the right items, Smolder can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.


Smolder is a unique and powerful champion that can dominate the Summoner's Rift with its explosive abilities. By mastering its playstyle and item builds, you can unleash its full potential and become a force to be reckoned with. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up Smolder today and start unleashing your inner dragon!


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